Banish Flat Roof Banes with the Help of St. Louis Roofing Contractors

Commercial properties, having no use for attic space, are typically constructed with flat roofs. However, flat roofs don’t have a good reputation when it comes to watertightness. Eric Reinholdt writes in that a flat roof’s susceptibility to water and moisture accumulation can be significantly reduced by pitching the roof to a scupper, an opening that allows the draining of water.Continue reading

Strengthening Roofs with Help from St. Louis, MO Roofing Contractors

This year’s winter has turned out to be more brutal than ever, with the East Coast and Midwest states bearing majority of the brunt. Paul Martino reports in CBS Pittsburgh about the collapse of an old building’s roofing due to heavy snow load. Luckily, no one was hurt in the incident although the owner’s printing business suffered a terrible loss.Continue reading